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Critical Perspectives of Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse: Advanced CPD - Online

A advanced online course examining the facts, difficulties, and opposing viewpoints surrounding child sexual exploitation and abuse.

6 hours Advanced CPD

A advanced course examining the facts, difficulties, and opposing viewpoints surrounding the theory, practice, and study of child sexual exploitation and abuse. In order to strengthen their critical comprehension of Child Sexual Exploitation and Child Sexual Abuse, learners will interact with video lectures, slides, notes, and reading assignments to increase their critical understanding of Child Sexual Exploitation and Child Sexual Abuse.

Taught by an accredited VictimFocus facilitator, Sarah Turner, who has over 25 years experience working in the Health and Social Care sector, is a registered Social Worker and is the Founder of Phoenix Training.

Course Learning Objectives:

  • To explore the way the definitions of child sexual exploitation and abuse developed and evolved

  • To consider the way language changes the way we perceive victims of CSE and CSA

  • To explore research and practice evidence in CSE and CSA practice

A CPD certificate from VictimFocus will be provided via email at the end of the course. We recommend that you join 5-10 minutes prior to the start to ensure your technology is working correctly as we will be unable to delay the start due to the number of delegates we anticipate attending.

Fee: £100 per person

July 4

Exploring the Psychology of Victim Blaming and Self Blame: Advanced CPD - Online

July 18

Exploring Trauma Informed Practice and Theory: Advanced CPD - Online