Advanced CPD Courses & Training

All Advanced CPD courses are taught by an accredited VictimFocus facilitator, Sarah Turner, who has over 25 years experience working in the Health and Social Care sector, is a registered Social Worker and is the Founder of Phoenix Training.

Join us as an individual participant at our live Eventbrite training sessions,
see our
events page for more info.

A CPD certificate from VictimFocus will be provided via email to each participant at the end of the course.

If you would like this training to be delivered to your organisation please contact us via the form below or send an email and we will be in touch to discuss your requirements.

Advanced CPD Course Options

  • 6 hours advanced CPD

    Ever wonder why victims of sexual assault and violence receive so much of the blame? This course examines the psychological theory and the most recent data about why and how individuals at all societal levels lay blame on the victim. It is based on three years of study by Dr. Jessica Taylor as well as the testimonies of over five hundred survivors, professionals, and members of the public. Through the use of films, exercises, tests, and presentations, you will gain knowledge of the theories and research that support our comprehension of victimisation and self-blame.

    Course Learning Objectives:

    • To explore psychological and sociological theories of victim blaming

    • To learn about the ways people blame themselves after sexual violence

    • To understand the latest evidence, reports and research about victim blaming and the psychology of self blame

    • To learn about simple ways to challenge, change and influence people to reduce or stop victim blaming

  • 6 hours Advanced CPD

    In order to help clients who are experiencing trauma and to comprehend how trauma affects the healing process, this course will equip participants with knowledge, skills, and resources. The session will examine the effects of trauma as well as how to protect victims and establish a supportive, trauma-informed atmosphere while working with them. The course material will provide all participants with the necessary informed

    knowledge to respond to persons affected by trauma within the framework of their professional responsibilities.

    The lesson also addresses how we manage our own self-care when assisting those who have experienced trauma. Studies confirm that understanding trauma-informed practice, or TIP, is essential to assisting clients in overcoming obstacles to their recovery. This course offers various approaches to working with and comprehending traumatised adults and children. You will learn how to leverage their strengths, modify your writing and mental approach, and support individuals in a way that enables them to comprehend trauma and recognise their own strengths that go beyond the abuse. This classroom-based programme offers encouraged conversation, learning, and introspection in a safe environment.

    Course Learning Objectives:

    • To explore what is really meant by trauma-informed and strengths-based practice with adults and children who have been subjected to trauma and abuse

    • To learn about research evidence and theories that encourage us to focus on the strengths and futures of the people we work with

    • To change the way we think about people with histories of cumulative trauma in order to reduce stigma, labelling, victim blaming and shame

  • 6 hours advanced CPD

    A advanced course examining the facts, difficulties, and opposing viewpoints surrounding the theory, practice, and study of child sexual exploitation and abuse. In order to strengthen their critical comprehension of Child Sexual Exploitation and Child Sexual Abuse, learners will interact with video lectures, slides, notes, and reading assignments to increase their critical understanding of Child Sexual Exploitation and Child Sexual Abuse.

    Course Learning Objectives:

    • To explore the way the definitions of child sexual exploitation and abuse developed and evolved

    • To consider the way language changes the way we perceive victims of CSE and CSA

    • To explore research and practice evidence in CSE and CSA practice

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